OurMotto is Humanitarian and Soul Winning

Trebrikev Braimoh Foundation  is born out of the passion to alleviate hardships and promote human dignity by rendering assistance with no discrimination or sentiments  to the needy,challenged and less privileged.
Our Vision is Charity and soul winning.

Our Priorities

1. The Widows in Need

Trebrikev Braimoh Foundation, will make all necessary enquiries to proof the beneficiary worthy of benefits. If found eligible, this body will render an assistance to the individual(s) in the following area.
  • Continuation of Education to the deceased children
  • Accommodation Benefits
  • Health Benefits
  • Monthly cash allowance benefits (Food)

2. The Orphans in Need

Trebrikev Braimoh Foundation will assist such victims who loses his/her parents prematurely, having found eligible of benefits. This body will render an assistance to the eligible orphans in the following areas:
  • Education Benefits
  • Accommodation Benefits
  • Health Benefits
  • Monthly cash allowance benefits (Food)

3. The Needy

Trebrikev Braimoh Foundation, has the understanding of the high level of poverty menace in the state, in lieu of this, this body will render assistance to the poor in the following areas:
  • Education Benefits (As the case may be)
  • Accommodation Benefits (As the case may be)
  • Health Benefits (As the case may be)
  • Monthly cash allowance benefits (As the case may be)

Trebrikev Braimoh Foundation

Trebrikev Braimoh Foundation will hold their annual board meeting/seminal for all beneficiaries and others in 3rd Saturday of every December.

Our Principle on Ethnicity

Trebrikev Braimoh Foundation will treat everyone equally regardless of their ethnics or tribes.

Our Stand on Religion

Trebrikev Braimoh Foundation is a Christian body that is established to bless lives without limitations i.e., reaching out to both Christians and Non-Christians.

TREBRIKEV Braimoh Foundation © 2025 TREBRIKEV Braimoh Foundation. All Right Reserved. Designed by Jaikr Design Studios

Office Hours

Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm

TREBRIKEV Braimoh Foundation is a vision born out of a passion to save lives.
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